Making Cities Sustainable: Opportunities for Driving Devolution
2014 KLIP Conference and Event Day
The making of cities sustainable requires the input of all stakeholders and beneficiaries of the outcomes from such effort. Mistra Urban Futures Local Interaction Platform in Kisumu (KLIP) has been over the last three years involved in an all-inclusive effort to contribute towards making Kisumu City a pleasant place to stay in, invest in and even admire amidst several challenges. The Kisumu Local Interaction platform has impacted on the livelihood of people of Kisumu and its environs with focus on Sustainable Urban Development on the basis of the theme Fair Green and Dense cities.
In an effort to ensure Kisumu Local Interaction Platform (KLIP) reinforces it’s capacity to coordinate and lead stakeholders from the public, private, civil society, academia, policy makers/formulators, the local community and academia to implement the main objective of having sustainable Kisumu city, KLIP will hold an interactive capacity-building conference on the 22nd to 24th October, 2014 running concurrently with KLIP Day Event which is basically a forum for interaction with the local community through sports.
The target participants and audience for the two events include the inhabitants of Kisumu County and its environs and all the stakeholders involved in populating the theme of sustainable urban cities in the face of our ever-evolving world.
Several programs and activities have been undertaken by KLIP towards alleviating poverty, empowering the local community, environmental conservation, empowering women and youth for the uptake alternative source of livelihoods and making Kisumu City a better place. It is therefore high time that all the achievements realized so far are documented and collated for ease of policy formulation.
Sida supports the activities in Kisumu which are steered and managed through the KLIP Trust.
Date: 22-24 October 14
Time: Starts at 8:30
Place: Imperial Hotel, Kisumu, Kenya
Contact for further information:
Mr. Alfred O. Omondi, KLIP Coordinator, email: alfredotom209@gmail.com Cellphone: +254720071103
Wednesday October 22nd
Theme: Wealth creation and business financing for socio-economic empowerment
8:30-9:00 Arrival and registration of participants
9:00-9:30 Welcome and Opening, Prof. Stephen Agong’
9:35-10:15 Preliminary
• Prof. Dominic Makawiti: Knowledge
• Munira Gilani: Private sector
• Betty Okero: Civil society and public participation
• Prof. Maria Nyström: Mistra Urban Futures secretariat on: International partnership for urban development
• Governor of Kisumu His Excellency Jack Ranguma: Key note address
10:15-10:50 Tea break/Group photo
10:50 –12:45 Wealth creation and business financing for socio-economic empowerment
Main Speaker: Mr. Duncan Sino Equity Branch Manager Angawa
• Joshua Wanga: Stakeholder Involvement in Sustainable Development: A Case of Dunga Beach and Wetland
• Frankline Otiende: Provider Value Co-creation in Experiential Value Co-creation
• Susan Rabarw: Mobile telephony utilization for market information exchange in Dunga beach
• Jennifer Otieno: Participatory Resource Mapping: Working with the fisherfolk of Dunga Beach
Discussants: Mrs. Betty Okero-CSO, Mr. Kitoto-Chamber of Commerce and Prof. Maria Onyango.
Moderator: Mr. Tom Ogollah
12:45-14:15 Lunch
14:15-16:30 Presentations
• David Achieng’: Positioning Ecotourism Destination in Kisumu County: Cultural Diversity Perspective
• Naomy Apali: Towards a Gender Analysis Model for Co-Management of Ecotourism Resources in Kisumu County
Discussants: Mr. Sam Okelo and Mr. Bob Madanje
Moderator: Mr. George Ananga
16:30-17:00 Tea break
Thursday October 23rd
Theme: Managing Green, Fair and Dense in a competitive urban setting
8:30 – 11:00 Managing Green, Fair and Dense in a competitive urban setting
Main speaker: Doris Ombara - City Manager
• Fredrick Owino: Spatial Planning Interventions and their Implications on Conservation of Urban Free Spaces and Ecotourism
• Helen Kamwele: Urban Agriculture: Towards a model for Kisumu
• Isabella Asaamba: Urban Densification: Institutional Factors that create best adaptation practices to climate change
Discussants: Merceline Oyier and Prof. Maria Nyström
Moderator: Mr. Nakitare
11:00-11:30 Tea break
11:30 –13:00 Policy towards Green, Fair and Dense-Waste Management and Environmental Pollution
Main speaker: Prof. George Mark Onyango
• Jared Okunga: Assessing Water Based Recreation Activities to Project Beach Ecotourism Potentials in Kisumu County
• Franklin Mwango: Renewable energy efficiency through waste management in Dunga beach
• Lillian Omondi: Climate Change perception and its influence on adaptation measures at the trading point of the agricultural value chain: A study of jubilee market Kisumu
• Evelyn Otieno: Power dynamics: a case study of Oile market
Discussants: Mr. George Ogol, Mrs. Lorna Omuodo and Evans Odhiambo
Moderator: Dr. Lonah Okoto
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Devolution-Social Inclusion and Urban Development
Main speaker: Dr. George Wagah
• Maren Bwana: The Untapped Potential of Agritourism as an Economic Activity in Kisumu Central Sub-County
• Marylin Apella: Effects of Circulation path design of bus termini in western Kenya on mobility of learners with physical disability
Discussants: Mr. Christopher Russan, Prof. Lena Mossborg, Dr. Patrick Hayombe
Moderator: Mrs. Beldine Opiyo/Mr Laban Mburu
16:00-16:30 Tea break
Friday October 24th
Theme: Knowledge management and transfer for Urban centers development
8:30 – 11:00 Knowledge management and transfer for Urban centers development
• North-South Partnership: Prof. Lena Mossberg
• Daniel Okumu: Knowledge management and transfer for Urban centers development
• Fredrick Z. A. Odede: Cultural heritage for Community Empowerment and Knowledge Transfer
Moderator: Dr. Leah Onyango
11:00-11:30 Tea break
11:30 – 13:00 Plenary and way forward
• Rapporteurs feedback: Joshua Wanga and Frankline Otiende
Moderator: Prof. Agong’
13:00-14:00 Lunch
Open event: Public participation and youth engagement