This is the second event in a series of three events for the African Urban Research Initiative, AURI. The first takes place 4 March and the third on 25 March.
Introduction (10 min): What does it mean to co-produce knowledge?
AURI presenter (15 min): Dr. Gilbert Siame, Centre for Urban Research and Planning (CURP) at University of Zambia, will share insights about how to merge diverse knowledge when working with formal and informal actors, particularly as it related to his work on urban markets in Lusaka.
Mistra presenter (15 min): Paul Opiyo, PhD candidate at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST) will highlight the methods used in ensuring genuine participation to coproduce policy briefs as part of the Consuming Urban Poverty (CUP) process in Kisumu, Kenya.
Q&A (30 min)
Practical skill section (100 min) led by Dr. Gareth Haysom, University of Cape Town: The aim of this session is to discuss and apply the principles of knowledge coproduction. The session will highlight the importance of understanding the audience, and listening to them in order to understand how change can be supported, rather than providing generic (and likely inappropriate) solutions. It will also provide practical tools to identify purpose and stakeholders to involve. At the end, the participants will be introduced to 4 different types of possible briefs that can be produced as a result of this process and will have an opportunity to draft their own, but also be aware of what is needed to support them.
Concluding remarks & next steps (10 min)
Photo: Cairo Rd in Lusaka, Zambia. Image credit: Mondoka Zambia CC-BY-SA4.0 from Wikimedia Commons