Waste as a starting point: educating industrial design engineering students to be active agents in closing material loops

Ordoñez, I., Rexfelt, O. & Rahe, U.(2014). Waste as a starting point: educating industrial design engineering students to be active agents in closing material loops. In E. Bohemia, A. Eger, W. Eggink, A. Kovacevic, B. Parkinson and W. Wits (eds.), DS 78: Proceedings of the E&PDE 2014 16th International conference on Engineering and Product Design (pp. 360-365) University of Twente, The Netherlands: Design Education and Human Technology Relations, Westbury, UK: Institution of Engineering Designers, The Design Society.

Publication type
Conference paper (peer-reviewed)
PhD Project: From Waste to Resources
Isabel Ordoñez Oskar Rexfelt Ulrike Rahe
Published year
Industrial waste design process closed-loop



The Waste to Design project gives students a framework to do their thesis on trying to use industrial waste for new production. The first year of the project saw four theses, shedding light on the design process required for this type of work. The most common difficulties observed were uncertainties about material properties, production possibilities and regulations. This made students strive to connect and collaborate with people from other backgrounds, suggesting that improving crossdisciplinary collaboration skills in design education would facilitate this type of work.

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