Realising Just Cities – Comparative Co-production
The rapidly growing number of people moving into cities all over the world presents a challenge of unprecedented size. It is crucial to find ways to make urbanisation a source for wealth, health and sustainability – which is shared. Mistra Urban Futures arranges Annual Conferences about Realising Just Cities, which are hosted at our research platforms.
The 2018 conference took place in Cape Town, South Africa and focused on comparative co-production and how we jointly can address global urban challenges. The conference shared and reflected on a selection of the comparative projects that have been co-produced in Mistra Urban Futures’ second phase: Cultural Heritage and Just Cities; Knowledge Transfer through embedded research; Migration and Urban Development; Participatory Cities; Solid Waste Management; Sustainable Development Goals; Transportation and Urban Development; Urban Food Value Chain and Urban Public Finance.
Interested to know what happend at the conference?
Short summary and highlights can be found here.
Internal workshops
The internal workshops, only available for invited participants involved in Mistra Urban Futures' comparative projects, was held on 5th November 2018. Find the internal programme here
The conference days are the 6th (all day) and 7th November 2018 (until 14.30). Find the programme here
Internal reflections
Closed sessions 7th November afternoon starting at 15.30.
Video-clips from the Conference
Olivia Bina Keynote Speaker Annual Conference 2018 Capetown, South Africa
More information
Programme internal conference
Site Visits
Keynote speakers
Venue & Hotels