
Reduce 50 until 2050

Do you want a new perspective on how to improve the energy efficiency of houses? The ClueE project's has developed a strategy about energy efficiency in the Swedish Million programme. One of the conclusions is that improving energy efficiency successfully requires collaboration.

The Million Programme - one of the biggest challenges

Energy consumption in the houses from the million programme is one of the biggest challenges that needs to be meet in order to reach the goal set by the government of reducing the building stocks energy use in half by 2050. These homes are owned and managed mainly by the municipality. The project's strategy gives suggestions on how municipalities can bring a social science perspective, such as economics, organizational theory and law, in to the strategic work with improving the energy efficiency in their housing stock.

Business models and the Law on Public Procurement

The project has from 2010 to 2013 studied how a few different municipalities works with energy efficiency in a wider sense, for example, how the responsibility for energy issues is organized in the municipality and public companies, the companies' business models and investment policies work and how the public procurement law is used in various types of construction contracts.

Tools and methods

The strategy consist of a number of tools, methods and processes, which will hopefully be of use to municipalities and housing companies. One example is an extended analysis of the current situation which, among other things identifies how municipalities and the housing companies can work with energy issues, how the responsibility is shared and what policy documents are in place.

About ClueE

ClueE stands for Collaborative learning for urban energy. The project has been associated to Mistra Urban Futures and financed by the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Reasearch Council Formas, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and Region Västra Götaland. Within the project the following organizations has contributed with personnel resources: Mistra Urban Futures, the Municipality of Kungälv and the Centre for Environment and Sustainability, GMV.

About the Million Programme

The programme was an ambitious housing programme implemented in Sweden between 1965 and 1974 by the government to make sure everyone could have a home at a reasonable price. The aim of the programme was to build a million new homes in a 10-year period, hence the project's name.  The strategy is unfortunately only available in Swedish.

Read more about ClueE


Ylva Norén Bretzer,,  +46 (0)31-786 51 95




  • Minska 50 till 2050 (Only in Swedish)