Samskapande i det urbana stationssamhället

Ranhagen, U., Ramstedt, A., Dahlstrand, A. Samskapande i det urbana stationssamhället. Mistra Urban Futures rapport 2017:1

Publication type
Rapport/Paper/Working paper/Brief
Det Urbana Stationssamhället - vägen mot ett resurssnålt resande
Ulf Ranhagen Alice Dahlstrand Amie Ramstedt
Published year



The aim of this report is to give an overview of co-creation activities within the knowledge process "Urban station communities" during 2015-2016 with focus on experiences from four thematic seminars with transdisciplinary participation. This report´s targets groups are regional and local stakeholders within the public sector and researcher and experts which actively participate in the knowledge process. Hopefully, the report may be of interest also within the civil society and the business community when creating the future urban station communities. The theoretical framework embraces planning theory, especially the discussion of communicative action and communicative rationality, action research, design theory and design-driven dialogues as well as tools for co-creation and co-design exemplified by participative backcasting. The theoretical framework has been important for the organisation and evaluation of the performed activities within three themes: noise, vibrations and risks; flexible, sustainable transportation and structure and design of a sustainable society. The performed activities have been evaluated by questionnaires to the participants after each occasion but also by an interview study. The conclusions are that there is a positive attitude to participation in the activities. The tools that have been used are deemed as especially useful to handle complex and strategic planning issues. The frames of references have been widened by the theoretical contributions from researchers and experts but also by transdisciplinary collaboration. A mixed representation of actors from different organisations is judged in a positive way. The social capital accumulated by the transdisciplinary collaboration among people from different types of organisations is a basis for mutual exchange of experiences in future processes. A more thorough analysis and evaluation of alternatives for location of stations has in one case facilitated the further decision process and final choice of an alternative for more profound planning and design. Critical factors for success are too limited time frames for the activities and the fact that they have been informal which means that there are no guarantees for transfer of the result in the ordinary practice. However, in a long term perspective, there are opportunities for structural change of the ordinary practice, which is a subject for further research.The report gives some glimpses of the co-creative working procedures which we consider crucial in order to be able to develop accessible, green and fair urban station communities. Co-creation is very much about creative and trustful collaboration among many stakeholders for the discussion and analyses of prerequisites and conditions but also for the development and evaluation of alternative proposals and strategies for the futures. Put in a wider context, our report presents a small-scale application of a way of working that has real future development potentials not only in the Gothenburg Region but also in all LIPs within Mistra Urban Futures but also elsewhere – on local, regional, national and international level. The co-creative working processes need to be further developed for example with regard to: • Strengthened theory linkages to different fields of knowledge, • Strengthened institutional capacity which facilitates coordination of education, experimental planning and design and ordinary practice, • Follow-up on effects on ordinary practice in regional and municipal bodies as a basis for strengthened network collaboration among these actors

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