International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2019
10-13 September 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden
Our societies are facing critical points in their development, where large challenges are becoming increasingly difficult to handle. Numerous conflicts and complexities are surfacing – to which we can see societies responding with fragmentation, intolerance and exclusion.
One way to address such developments is through societal transformation processes that implicitly include a variety of interest groups, stakeholders and organisations. Transdisciplinary (TD) research is one approach that focuses specifically on co-producing and integrating knowledge and expertise from a variety of sources, including communities, research, cities and businesses. It is an approach that is driven by the need to create processes where values and transformations towards a more just and sustainable society are openly debated.
The aim of this conference, Joining Forces for Change, is to bring together actors from different professional mandates, disciplines and sectors to engage and discuss practical examples and case studies that approach societal transformation through boundary breaking collaboration. The conference invites practitioners and researchers from government and administrative organisations and agencies, interest groups from community and business, and researchers and students from across the university. The overall focus is on what we can learn from our collaborative experiences, case studies and practices regarding wider societal transformation, methodological innovations and theoretical development. We will specifically search for “sites for change” in terms of spaces, practices and learnings where TD research and co-production play a crucial role.
See videos from the Conference, Merrit Polk, Tobias Buser, Gerald Midgley, Dena Fam, Christian Pohl among others. (4:28)
Interview with Christian Pohl and Dena Fam. (4:55)
International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2019
The International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2019
We did have a very rich programme with outstanding keynote speakers, 36 sessions, 20 workshops, posters and exhibition - including more than 170 contributors from all continents.
The conference was co-organised by td-net, Mistra Urban Futures and the University of Gothenburg and will take place in Gothenburg from 10 to 13 September 2019. The aim of this conference, Joining Forces for Change, is to bring together actors from different professional mandates, disciplines and sectors to engage and discuss on what we can learn from our collaborative experiences and practices regarding wider societal transformation, methodological innovations and theoretical development.
More information and registration: www.transdisciplinarity.ch/itd2019
Twitter #ITD_2019
Registration open
Date: 10 -13 September 2019
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Photo: Göteborg & Co Anders Wester.