International Workshop
Universities, Cities and Transformation: Practices of Cultural Intermediation and Expectations of Knowledge
The aim of the workshop is to bring together academics from different disciplines to engage in critical reflection based on their own practices around a set of core questions:
a) what are the expectations that different groups place on knowledge generated by universities in relation to socio economic development in cities;
b) how is that knowledge generated?
c) what benefits does that knowledge have for our cities and their communities and
d) are there alternative modes of organising or intermediating knowledge that might enable more positive transformations for urban communities?
Date: 1-2 September 2014
Time: 10am to 3.30pm each day
Venue: International Anthony Burgess Foundation, Engine House, Chorlton Mill, 3 Cambridge Street, Manchester M1 5BY
Please note that places are limited. To reserve a place at the workshop, please email: Dr Vicky Simpson at: v.simpson@salford.ac.uk. Please include with your request the following information: name, organisation, address, telephone number, email and any dietary requirements.
Abstract submissions
We invite you to attend as a participant or to submit an abstract to present a paper over the two days of the workshop. Overall, however, our emphasis is upon generating a dialogue among participants based upon their experiences of practices and different possibilities for organizing research. For this reason, the total number of participants will be limited to enable this to take place and presentations, with the exception of a plenary address, will be no more than 20 minutes long and if you are using power point, up to a maximum of 10 slides with the last slide being two issues you would like the audience to consider.
To submit an abstract for the workshop please provide a title and abstract of no more than 200 words addressing the above themes to: Dr Vicky Simpson at: v.simpson@salford.ac.uk.
Deadline for submissions: 16 June 2014
Refreshments and Costs
Lunch and tea and coffee will be provided on both days and there will be a dinner on the Monday evening for all participants. Those attending will be expected to provide for their travel and any accommodation costs, but there is no cost for attending the workshop once you are registered.
Mistra Urban Futures Greater Manchester Local Interaction Platform and AHRC Project: ‘Cultural Intermediation: Connecting Communities in the Creative Urban Economy’
Professor Tim May and Dr Beth Perry, Centre for Sustainable Urban and Regional Futures (SURF), School of the Built Environment, University of Salford, Manchester.