A Catalogue and Inventory of Cultural Heritage Sites, Artefacts and Features in Kisumu City and Its Environs in Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya

Odede, F.A., Owino, F., Hayombe, P. & Agong', S.G. (2020)'A Catalogue and Inventory of Cultural Heritage Sites, Artefacts and Features in Kisumu City and Its Environs in Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya'.Archaeology 2020, 8(1): 1-12 DOI: 10.5923/j.archaeology.20200801.01

Publication type
Scientific article (peer-reviewed)
DOI: 10.5923/j.archaeology.20200801.01
Published year



Most of the cultural heritage sites, artifact and features are under constant threat from human activities and
natural processes. Oral traditions of these sites are under threat. This threat is occasioned by the lack of appreciation of oral traditions as authentic transmitter of history. KLIP is keen at conducting documentation of the existing oral traditions related to these sites both in print and audio for future generations. The most serious problem faced is the grabbing of cultural heritage sites for human activities. Extensive conditional survey and documentation should be undertaken to assess their condition and facilitate their conservation, preservation and restoration for sustainable use by the local communities living around them. Even though some of these sites are gazzetted and managed or protected by the National Museums of Kenya, there is very little community involvement in their management and use. This work highlights the state of knowledge, and the condition of some of these cultural heritage sites as well as areas for future research.

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